Hair Removal Services

Explore our hair removal services! In addition to laser hair removal, we also offer both sugaring and waxing. These services can be performed on a variety of face and body areas.


Lower Back Patch
Side of Face
Half Ams
Full Arms
Brazilian - Repeat*

*Can be done within 4 weeks of last visit.

Bikini - Extended
Upper Legs
Lower Legs


Full Face*

*Excluding Brows

Arm - Half
Arm - Full
Bikini - Extended
Brazilian - Full
Brazilian - Repeat

(4-6 weeks)

Legs - Half
Legs - Full
Legs - Full with Bikini
Men's Back or Chest
Men's Back and Chest

Prices are subject to change without notice.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is sugaring?

Sugaring is an all-natural hair removal method. It uses a mixture of sugar, lemon, and hot water to remove hair from the root.

What is waxing?

Waxing is a hair removal technique that uses warm wax applied to the desired area. The wax adheres to the hair and, once removed, pulls the hair out from the root.

Are there any medications or skincare products I should avoid before waxing/sugaring?

Yes, avoid retinoids, exfoliants and medications that thin the skin or increase sensitivity. 

Here’s a list of common ingredients that are great for your skin, but that you should take a break from before your appointment:

  1. Retinoids (Retin-A, Retinol, Tretinoin, Adapalene, Tazarotene):
    • These increase skin cell turnover, making skin more prone to irritation during waxing or sugaring.
    • When to stop: At least one week before.
  2. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs – includes Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Mandelic Acid, etc.):
    • AHAs exfoliate the top layer of skin, which can make your skin more vulnerable to damage during hair removal.
    • When to stop: At least 48 hours before.
  3. Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs – mainly Salicylic Acid):
    • Similar to AHAs, salicylic acid exfoliates the skin, potentially leading to increased sensitivity.
    • When to stop: At least 48 hours before.
  4. Benzoyl Peroxide:
    • Commonly used for acne treatment, it can cause skin sensitivity and increase chances of irritation.
    • When to stop: At least 24 hours before.
  5. Hydroquinone:
    • A skin-lightening agent that may cause increased skin sensitivity.
    • When to stop: At least one week before.
  6. Topical Antibiotics:
    • These can cause skin to be more sensitive or reactive, especially to the pulling in waxing.
    • When to schedule your hair removal appointment: At least 24 hours after your prescribed amount of time to take the antibiotics is done or longer based on a healthcare provider’s recommendation.
  7. Accutane (Isotretinoin):
    • A potent oral retinoid that significantly reduces skin oil and cell turnover, greatly increasing the risk of skin tearing.
    • When to stop: Dermatologists recommend waiting 6 months to a year after ceasing treatment before waxing.
  8. Topical Corticosteroids:
    • Long-term use can thin the skin, making it more prone to irritation during hair removal.
    • When to schedule your hair removal appointment: At least one week after your prescribed amount of time to use the corticosteroids is done or longer based on a healthcare provider’s recommendation.
  9. Chemical Peels or Laser Treatments:
    • These procedures significantly sensitize and weaken the skin.
    • When to stop: At least two weeks before, or schedule your waxing/sugaring at least two weeks after, or as directed by both the laser technician who performed the treatment and your waxing/sugaring esthetician.

How is sugaring different from waxing?

Both sugaring and waxing have unique advantages and are effective hair removal methods. The choice between sugaring and waxing is often based on individual preferences, skin sensitivity, and specific hair removal needs.

Sugaring: The Gentle Art of Hair Removal

  • Natural Ingredients: Sugaring uses a blend of sugar, lemon, and water, which is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for sensitive areas and skin types.
  • Temperature: The sugar mixture is applied at body temperature.
  • Application and Removal: Sugaring adheres mostly to the hair, not the skin, and it is removed in the direction of hair growth. This reduces the likelihood of hair breakage and ingrown hairs, often making it less painful.
  • Clean-up: Sugaring paste is water-soluble, meaning it’s easily cleaned up with water.
  • Eco-friendliness: With all-natural components, sugaring is an environmentally friendly option.

Waxing: The Time-Tested Solution for Hair Removal

  • Efficiency: Waxing can quickly remove large amounts of hair at once, ideal for larger areas like the legs or back, saving time during appointments.
  • Availability: Wax products are available in various formulas, allowing estheticians to choose the best type for a client’s specific skin needs and hair type.
  • Longevity: Waxing, like sugaring, removes hair from the root, leading to a long-lasting smooth skin, typically three to six weeks before regrowth.
  • Exfoliation: Waxing also offers mild exfoliation, removing dead skin cells in the process, and potentially leaving skin feeling smoother compared to traditional shaving methods.

Will my hair grow back thicker or darker?

No, sugaring and waxing tend to weaken hair follicles. Over time, you’ll likely notice your hair growing back finer and sparser

Is sugaring suitable for all skin types?

Yes, sugaring is safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Its natural ingredients make it hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (meaning it won’t clog your pores).

How long does my hair need to be for sugaring or waxing?

Your hair should be at least 1/4 inch long, about the length of a grain of rice, which is typically 2-3 weeks of growth.

How long will the results last?

Results vary per individual, but generally, you can expect smooth skin for 3 to 6 weeks post-waxing or sugaring. Regular sessions may prolong the duration of smoothness.

What should I expect after waxing or sugaring?

Mild redness and sensitivity are normal post-waxing or sugaring. Avoid heat, strenuous activities, exfoliation, and tight clothing for the next 24-48 hours to prevent irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin.

How often should I book sugaring appointments?

We recommend scheduling sugaring sessions every 4-6 weeks to maintain smooth skin and to align with the natural hair growth cycle.

Can I wax if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, but please inform your esthetician. There are specific waxes for sensitive skin, and additional precautions will be taken to minimize irritation.

You may also want to consider trying sugaring to see if your skin tolerates it better. 

Does sugaring or waxing hurt?

While waxing can cause some discomfort, the pain is often considered tolerable. The sensation is temporary and subsides quickly after the procedure.

Some clients find sugaring less painful than waxing. However, discomfort levels can vary depending on one’s pain threshold and the area being treated.

I often get waxing or sugaring. Should I consider getting laser hair removal?

Choosing to transition from sugaring or waxing to laser hair removal is a decision often based on personal preference and lifestyle. Here are some situations in which you might want to consider laser hair removal:

  • Hair Growth Speed: If your hair grows back quickly and you find yourself waxing or sugaring often, laser hair removal could provide a more permanent solution, reducing the frequency of treatments needed over time.
  • Cost-Effectiveness Over Time: While the upfront cost of laser hair removal is higher, it can be more cost-effective in the long run when considering the continual costs of regular waxing or sugaring appointments.
  • Frequent Ingrown Hairs: If you’re prone to ingrown hairs that are difficult to manage and cause discomfort or scarring, laser hair removal can be a good option as it reduces the overall number of hairs and the likelihood of hairs becoming ingrown.
  • Convenience: If you find regular appointments for sugaring or waxing too time-consuming or inconvenient, you might prefer laser hair removal’s longer-lasting results, reducing the number of annual appointments.
  • Skin Irritation: If you experience significant skin irritation, redness, or other adverse reactions from waxing or sugaring, laser might provide a gentler, long-term solution.
  • Desire for long-lasting results: If you’re looking for a more permanent solution to hair removal, laser treatments are the closest to permanent hair reduction currently available.

Can I get sugared or waxed if I'm pregnant?

Yes, sugaring and waxing is generally safe for pregnant persons. However, skin may be more sensitive during pregnancy, so make sure to inform your esthetician beforehand. If you have any concerns about receiving hair removal services while pregnant, we recommend discussing this with your healthcare provider first.

What should I do after my waxing or sugaring appointment?

Avoid heat, heavy exercise, and exfoliation for 24-48 hours after your appointment to prevent irritation. Use a non-comedogenic (non pore-clogging) moisturizer to keep skin hydrated.

How can I find non-comedogenic moisturizer?

Look for labels that specifically state “non-comedogenic,” “non-acnegenic,” “oil-free,” or “won’t clog pores.” These are usually good indicators that the product is designed to prevent pore blockage.

Can I sugar at home?

Professional sugaring is recommended for the best results. Incorrect technique or preparation can lead to skin irritation or ineffective hair removal.

Are there any contraindications for sugaring or waxing?

While sugaring is safe for most, individuals with certain skin conditions, varicose veins, or diabetes should consult with a healthcare provider first.

Can I go in the sun after waxing?

It’s best to avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 48 hours after waxing to prevent skin damage.