We offer a variety of laser services to maximize rejuvenation, clearing, smoothing, and age-defying benefits for your skin. Our treatments include:

  • Texture Treatments: Wrinkles, fine lines, large pores, and scars
  • Hyperpigmentation: Brown spots, acne scars, sun damage, and Melasma
  • Photofacials: Age spots, sun spots, broken capillaries, redness, and rosacea
  • Picosecond Laser Tattoo Removal
  • Laser Hair Removal

Our Services

Fractional Laser Resurfacing: Scar Removal

Fractional Laser is an ideal treatment to stimulate cell turnover and collagen remodelling for healthy, new skin.

This is an excellent treatment for deep scars, wrinkles, and improving the texture and tone of the skin.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is often referred to as life-changing!

This lasting solution is liberating and time-saving, allowing you to avoid shaving or continuous waxing appointments. Start your hair-free journey today!


I.P.L. Treatments

A Photofacial is an advanced treatment that helps clear undesirable pigmentation, broken capillaries, and rosacea from your skin quickly, easily, and with minimal downtime.


Laser Tattoo Removal

Our revolutionizing PicoSure laser treatment targets ink particles without causing heat damage to the tissue around it. As a result, we focus solely on the tattoo and fewer treatments are needed.


PicoSure: Texture & Hyperpigmentation

PicoSure laser is your solution for hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, and texture concerns such as fine lines and pores. It also addresses brown spots, melasma, and pigmented acne scars.

Fall in love with your clear, smooth, blemish-free skin with minimal social downtime.


Wrinkles and Pigmentation Duo Treatment

This fusion facial treatment is the proven way to get rid of fine lines, scars, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage and unsightly veins, all at the same time.

Address all these conditions in one procedure. You’ll be amazed at how much younger you can look! (Also known as ‘three for me’).


RF Skin Tightening & Body Treatments

Your skin rejuvenation journey goes beyond facial laser! Explore a range of treatments including RF Body Contouring, Cellulite Treatments, Face RF Skin Tightening and more body treatments.


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